Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

use of sound waves

Ultrasonic Applications. Ultrasonic waves can be used for various purposes, among others:
a) visual impairment goggles, equipped with an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver devices utilizing ultrasonic transmission and reception. Note the shape of the glass are visually impaired in the following figure.

b) measuring the depth of the sea, to determine the depth of the sea (d) if known rapid propagation of sound (v) and the time interval (t), sending and receiving pulses are:

c) medical devices, for example on ultrasound examination (ultrasound). For example, ultrasonic scanning is done by moving the probe movement around the abdominal skin of pregnant mothers will display a picture of a fetus on the monitor screen. By observing the image of the fetus, the doctor can monitor the growth, development, and health of the fetus. Unlike X-ray, ultrasound is safe (no risk), for both the mother and fetus due to the ultrasonic examination or testing does not damage the material that is passed, then it is called ultrasonic testing is non-destructive testing (non destructive testing, NDT abbreviated).Ultrasonic scanning technique is also used to check the liver (if there is an indication of liver cancer or not) and the brain.Ultrasound device fabrication to remove damaged brain tissue without having to perform brain surgery. "In this way, patients do not need to undergo brain surgery at high risk. Removal of damaged brain tissue can be done without having to cut and sew the scalp or to perforate the skull.

(2) The benefits of rapid propagation of sound in everyday life, namely:
a) Rapid propagation of sound is also used by fishermen to know the day and night.
b) At night we hear the voice more clearly than during the day because the density of air at night more than daytime meetings.

(3) The resonance is very useful in everyday life.
a) Use of resonance in musical instruments like flutes, drums, drum and more.
(4) Benefits of the reflection of sound in everyday life, among others:
a) determine the depth of the sea
At the bottom of the vessel wall mounted a vibration source (oscillator). Mounted near the receiver oscillator vibrations (hydrophone). If the vibration (sound) propagates (t) sekonuntuk traveled back and forth yaiu 2 L m, then the rapid propagation can be calculated as follows.

v = rapid propagation of sound (m / s)
L = inside the sea (m)
t = time (t)
b) conduct a geophysical survey
detect, locate and classify the disturbances in the earth or to inform the structure of the Earth, detecting a layer of rocks that contain oil deposits
c) the principle of ultrasonic reflectivity can be used to measure the thickness of metal plates, pipes and metal packaging that is easy corrosion (rust).
d) Detecting cracks in metal structures
To detect cracks in metal or concrete structures used ultrasonic scanning were used to check for hidden cracks in aircraft parts, which later could endanger the aircraft flight. In routine examinations, vital parts of the plane in the ultrasonic-scanning. If there are cracks in metals, the ultrasonic reflection from the crack will be detected. Cracks are then examined and addressed immediately before the plane allowed to fly.

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